Thursday, October 13, 2005

Excited about Kashmir

I'm getting pretty excited about what God has in store for the Kashmir region of the world. I went back in our archives and looked at all the stories MNN has done on the Kashmir region and while we've done a number of stories on the region, most of them have been negative. The most recent story was about the Christian woman who was kidnapped by Muslim radicals.

This earthquake, I now believe, will be what God is allowing to take His message of salvation to an area of the world that has either rejected Him, or have been prevented from hear the Gospel.

There are now many Christians making their way to the region. This is unprecedented. Most Christians stayed away from the region because of security reason. Now, they're being welcomed in with open arms.

My fear is that Christian organizations will go in with physical assistance and completely forget about what they really need, Jesus. Pray that these groups will not get side-tracked.

On a completely different note, MNN is now being translated into Spanish on our web site only. Tell all you Spanish speaking friends. We can now be read in Romanian, Russian, Spanish and English.

Greg Yoder/Anchor & Executive Director


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