Thursday, October 20, 2005

Wow, what a response!

I would just like to say thank you to everyone who has responded to us in the last few days. As many of you know, we have been offering our 2006 calendar on our website and on our broadcast. the calendars have flown out of the office. In fact, I had to pull the ad off our website just to make sure we have enough. I hope to make the calendar available again next month. We'll see where we stand because we won't be reprinting them.

Also, Mission Avaition Fellowship is offering the CD, "Celtic Cry-The Heart of a Martyr" from Discovery House Music. Those too have be very popular. In just a couple of days we've received several hundred requests. What a bless this music will be to many of you. The CD is still available. Go to to get your free copy.

It has really been a blessing to hear from so many of you. This is a first in the history of Mission Network News. To put it in perspective we've been getting 20 to 50 responses every 20 minutes. It's been amazing.

The only thing I would ask is that you put the response you made to the 'free' stuff into action that can help Mission Network News continue sharing the needs of missionsaries around the world. There are incredible needs. Needs that you can help with financially, prayerfully or by going overseas. I hope you'll use these resources to make an enternal difference in someone's life.

Greg Yoder, Anchor & Executive Director


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